I usually hate to stick into same things,swim in the same river..
instead I always keep changing things around me which are MINE ofcourse ..,
I think my room furniture will collapse soon because of moving it around all the time as a way of CHANGE..
I hate listening to the same songs , for sure I have my favorite ones but they only stay in my favorites list that indicates not listening to them often .. I should always look for new ones, that means alot of searching should be done..
my Music moods are always swinging..
♪ ♫ ♪
I listen to Gomez then make a jump to nightwish then leap to enrique or skillet then swim in Fairoz sea after that have a rest in elvis presly then it can be ended with Queen or Just rihanna
If I stick to the same song, arrangment or place, that means not some thing wrong but alot of things wrong happaining inside or arround..
♪ ♫ ♪
lately, while I was looking for new good tracks, I searched for " the best songs ever list"
and I found lists of 500 best songs ever through all the past years.
The most of them are made between 1970 ~1980

I downloaded all the top 40,and some of the top 100 .. some of them were really one of the tops
I didn't like the 1st top 500 in bestsongsever.com ,
1 | Led Zeppelin | Stairway To Heaven |
I loved ~ my rate is attched..
Queen ( the show must go on )♥♥♥♥♥ 5\5
The beatles ( Imagine)♥♥♥♥♥ 5\5
Mettalica ( nothing else matters) ♥♥♥♥4\5
Foo fighters(everlong)♥♥♥3\5
The beatles( good day sunshine) ♥♥♥♥♥5\5
The beatles ( In my life) ♥♥♥♥♥ 5\5
Pink floyd( learning to fly) ♥♥2\5
Bill joel ( piano man) ♥♥♥♥♥5\5
Jouney ( don't stop believin)♥♥♥♥♥5\5
Josh groban ( You raised me up) ♥♥♥♥4\5
Queen ( Bohemian Rhapsody)♥♥2\5
and in other sites the first of the top 500 over 3 decades is :
Ben E. King
Stand By Me / On the Horizon
I bet that there is no one in earth didn't listen to it ,or know it..The end Of the tops journey ..Now I got plenty of new wounderful tracks
Listening to: Bon Jovi - Thank you for loving me..
Mood : Kind of anxious & maybe sleepy :D
Mood : Kind of anxious & maybe sleepy :D
L.i.v.e & L.o.v.e
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