
Addiction is a dependence on a behavior or sub-stance that a person is powerless to stop.Addiction has been extended, however, to include mood-altering behaviors or activities. Some researchers speak of two types of addictions: substance addictions (for example,alcoholism ,drug abuse..etc); and process addictions (for example, gambling, spending, shopping, eating, and sexual activity). There is a growing recognition that many addicts, such as polydrug abusers, are addicted to more than one sub-stance or process
All of living humans are addicted,even many are addicted to many things, either to A substance simply like coffee , chocolate or to A process ( A habit) like accessing the Net, saying same word repeatedly like "shit" or "hell".Mainly when we are addicted we feel and taste the "addiction sweetness" at the beginning of doing what we are addicted to ,a genuine feeling of power, happiness and freedom and some thing about " finding your self " or relief ..simply because our brain mechanism keeps demanding these things of us .
We as 20th century humans the most of the time feel sad,incapable and frustrated ,what crushes in our minds that if we ( have or do) what our brains demanding we will feel happy, free and capable of any thing..
While we are doing what we are addicted to _ just listening to our brains that we'll be happy if we do it _ We will feel the ecstasy , the happiness,the power ,the mutiny ...simply we'll feel much BETTER. then Near the end of our addiction process we notice that that "Good" feeling is starting to vanish , according to our different characters and what we are addicted to , we either STOP it at the end ,feeling little better than before or some will keep having~doing what he\she is addicted to ,either his\her happiness feeling will decrease eventually until it disappear or he\she will hurt them selves in any means ..
So time passes us ..and we keep to pursue our addiction , to grab a beam of Happiness feeling , Just a beam ,and many moments in our miserable lives we discover that beam was a fake one, It didn't supply us with the " within addiction feelings" so Instead we look disparately for another thing to be addicted to and to keep completing the addiction cycle ..
Now we reach the crisis, the query which inquire an objective,rational answer..
Is Addiction in all its legal types good for us ?
If you are doing what you are addicted to, let's say for instance, drinking black coffee,and that procedure or process does not harm any body or your self , If you stop it following what some doctors and the health tips say that we shouldn't be addicted and addiction in all means is Harmful , you will lose the happiness and capability beam eventually will end feeling sad frustrated stressed and die of high blood precure or before the fast tragic end , you will find a long one , you will look for another substance or habit to be addicted to . It's not necessary that it will have the same old addiction effect or strength in ration it will be stronger to compensate the hunger you had been feeling , and using the word "stronger" here leads to use the word "HARMFUL " . Maybe with Cigarettes the Innocent black coffee will be replaced, then they both will make the common addiction combination.
So at the end, after all what's vertiginous above , Could be Legal Addiction the great thing which keep us go on .?
Around the bush :
Addicting certain people is the worst and most harmful addiction the humanity suffer of, after all the researches and trys since decades .. It's incurable.
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